Order your Channeled Message from your Twin Flame before October 31st before prices go up!

Available Products

Chakra Healing with Written Report

Order a done for you energy healing of the Chakra system for you and your Twin Flame for those who just don't feel so connected to the energetic realm. Comes with a written report of what was done so you are aware of the shifts and can nurture the momentum it brings.

Thriving Mercury Retrograde Report

One full page of as much information about how this Retrograde is affecting you, what it means for Twin Flame communication, and if you have your Twin Flame information, how it's impacting them. Mercury Retrograde is a time to rework, rethink, and reunite? 

Twin Flame Astrology Breakthrough Report

One full page of as much information about how to reach Union that I can fit, all based off of your birth chart (and your Twin Flame's if you have it). Your birth chart is a road map, so let's find the best route! 

Twin Flame 1-on-1 Coaching Application

Interested in getting personalized support for your twin flame journey so that you can transform the heartache of separation into the bliss of union? This is for you.

Beta VIP: The Inner Union Birth Chart Incubator

Spend 8 hours with me spread out over two-four weeks deep diving into what you birth chart says about Inner Union. We start with the astrology knowledge you know, and take the conversation deeper every day so you know how to read your best map to this process. In beta mode.  

Channeled Message from your Twin Flame

Found the collective channeled messages helpful, but one of your own, specific to your journey, and your Twin Flame? Book this reading and I'll channel YOUR Twin Flame and all the things you need to hear!

Twin Flame Astrology Reading

Book an Astrology reading with The Twin Flame Coach to learn more about you, your Twin Flame relationship, and what your journey to Union will be like. 

Connection Clarity Coaching

Book one 1:1 session to talk things out with the Twin Flame Coach as you navigate if you've met your Twin Flame or not. This is not a reading to tell you if they are, but to support you in hearing and following your inner truth. 

A Chiron Reading: Your Wounded Healer and Your Twin Flame Work

A 15 minute audio recording deep diving into Chiron in your birth chart (and your Twin Flame's) and what this asteroid says about the Wounded Healer and your Twin Flame work. 

Soulmate or Karmic Partner Coaching Application

Interested in getting personalized support for a relationship that isn't Twin Flames, but wanting to bring the same level of consciousness? This is for you.

A North Node Reading: Your Compass and Your Twin Flame Work

A 15 minute audio recording deep diving into the North Node and South Node in your birth chart (and your Twin Flame's) and what this astrological point says about your compass and your Twin Flame work. 

Compass Calibration: Am I On the Right Path?

Get a Compass Calibration reading to help figure out if you're on the right path with your Twin Flame, and if not, what do you need to shift to get there? 

My Products Available Products
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