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Twin Flame 1-on-1 Coaching Application

Hey there, Twin Flame!

Look, I know you’re probably reaching out because you’re going through some stuff. This journey is not for the faint of heart. Whether you’re in separation or union, there are going to be major challenges on all levels. 

I was recently talking to a client of mine about how it feels like each Twin Flame pairing has their own love story, but they’re playing at the hardest level of the game. 

On the worst days, this journey is alienating, heart wrenching, and seemingly hopeless.

I know this first hand because I’ve been there too.

But on the best days, this journey, this Twin Flame relationship is inspiring, awakening, healing, euphoric. 

Again, this is first hand knowledge. I’ve been there too. 

What’s the difference between the best and the worst days?

Well besides the karmic lessons that we all go through all journeys long (you’re a Twin Flame, I know you know about learning and upgrading our experience of love!)...

It’s the tools

The perspective

And the belief. 

The tools to work through the energy, to explore and maintain inner union, to build a bridge to outer union, to navigate the very real 3D challenges of human relationships and life in general. 

The perspective to not get trapped in any old stories or new stories of love, to understand yourself, your soul, and your Twin Flame on a level that allows for healing and transmutation rather than frustration and brick walls. 

The belief that your Union is possible, down right inevitable even. That you are amazing. That you are worthy of love. And that even if you aren’t there yet, you’ll get there, and your work towards loving you more and more is enough every single day. 

All three things, plus a whole lot of other Twin Flame work, is exactly what we dive into during our 1:1 time in coaching. 

Out of all my services and offerings, this is the most VIP, hands on we can get. For one hour each week, every other week, or once a month we dive into YOUR connection, I bring my tools, perspectives, and beliefs, and we work together to help transfer them to you while also using them in real time to navigate your journey. To figure out what to do after you’re blocked or go into separation, to figure out how to message your Twin Flame back after they responded to your request for more time together, or maybe even to navigate the fights that come from the different ways you responded to your childhood wounds. 

I pull in my work from my background in both Astrology and Psychology. Attachment Theory overlaps very closely with the runner-chaser dynamic and there is not a single road map to understanding yourself better than your birth chart. 

I believe the Twin Flame journey is a merging of self and relationship, of reality and spirituality. So together, we’ll go through finding space to honor all of these things, even when they challenge each other or are uncomfortable. 

Don’t worry if you feel crazy or stuck or anything in between. I’m here for you with a non-judgmental eye to help you navigate this once-in-a lifetime soul connection. 

If you’d like to get started with coaching, please take the time to fill out the following application. It will help me get to know you more, and I’ll reach out to schedule a time for a free discovery call if I think we’d be a good fit. From there, I can answer all of your questions, and we can come up with the best approach to this journey for you! 

I can’t wait to be your Twin Flame Coach!


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